Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
May 13, 2019 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Brandon Halcomb, Lyle Testerman, Nancy Cooper, Rick Dearinger, Sara Arens, Don Hansen
Approval of previous minutes: Approval of April minutes: Lyle motions, Don seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests:
- David and Cathy Conway present at meeting.
- No comments
President’s Report:
- Rick made a new sign for the pool and it has been installed.
- Pam Lanman planted plants in the pool island again this yeara
- Dennis and Brandon replaced 2 gauges on the pool, 1 more fitting to be ordered/replaced.
- New “can’t slam” added to the pool gate so that the gate will close (Oakley fence $300)
Maintenance Report
- Dearingers has original templates and can cut out mailbox numbers for residents to purchase.
Finance Report
Monthly Financial Summary
- See Nancy’s report
- 4 residences still owe dues (1 will pay by June 30)
Committee Reports
Social Committee: still working on finding members for the social committee
Welcome Committee: visited 2 new families
Old Business
Agreement between Berry Creek Community Association and Berry Creek Garden Homes Neighborhood Association
- HOA Board recommends some changes to Section 7.6.
- A few other paragraphs were updated to reflect new covenants
- Lyle motions to table until next month, Rick seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
2019 Capital Improvements
- Checked areas complete
- Waiting for interior of clubhouse painting estimates (June 10-14)
- Sunshade: 2 quotes for sunshades. Lyle motions to get the arch shade sail with taupe shade. Don seconds. Favor, 1 opposed.
New Business
- 3015 W. Shiloh Creek (rocks): email from neighbors
- Lyle Testerman made a motion to contact the property owner at 3015 W. Shiloh Creek if the rocks are not moved by June 1 and discuss the next steps. Motion was seconded by Rick Dearinger. All approved.
- Drainage at Clubhouse: Drainage at clubhouse: Erosion between Lyle’s house and the clubhouse. Estimate for sod $500. Estimate for stone $300/ton. Still waiting on another estimate from AAA landscaping. We will revist next month when we have more estimates. Other ideas: concrete, gravel?
- New
Board Members
- Lyle Testerman made a motion to appoint David Conway to the vacant position on the Board. Motion was seconded by Nedra Segall. All approved.
- Nancy Cooper made a motion to appoint Kathy Anderson to the vacant position on the Board. Motion was seconded by Rick Dearinger. All approved.