Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting

July 9, 2018 at 6:00pm

 Berry Creek Clubhouse


Meeting Started: 6:03pm

Members Present: Chris Goff, Brandon Halcomb, Lyle Testerman, Nedra Segall, Nancy Cooper, Rick Dearinger, Sara Arens, Pat Kennedy

Approval of June Meeting Notes: Brandon motion, Sara 2nd, all approve, none oppose.

Comments from Guests: None

President’s Report:

  •  Exterminator:  Previous exterminator is no loner in business.  Hanson extermination will now service the clubhouse.  Treated the first part of July. $50/quarter.
  • Landscaping: Sprinklers behind the garden homes and at the entrances need repaired.  Quote to repair from Gary Shan for $225 and $150.  We can repair some sprinkler heads ourselves to lower repair costs.
  • Insurance: Insurance certificate is required for anyone working on the clubhouse.  Currently the HOA has certificates on file for Gary Shan (landscaping), Hometown Appliances, and Dennis Cyr (paid for by HOA).
  • Letters to Builders: Builders with lots in Berry Creek (Kraybill, Murray, and Avery) received a 6 month notice they will responsible for HOA dues on their lots starting in January 2019.  Murray has reportedly sold his lot.

Ideas for 2019 Budget: As residents and board members have ideas for 2019 budget, please email Brandon Halcomb.  Current list of 2019 budget items: pool work, painting inside of clubhouse, trees and landscaping near playground (already budgeted this year).

Maintenance Report: Repairs and maintenance for the month included repair of outside outlet, outdoor sink in men’s room, and replacing clubhouse lights with LED bulbs.

Finance Report: 100% of HOA dues have been collected! June deposits $1416, expenses $5749. Current balance $70,011.63.  Predicted 2018 surplus of $10,000-11,000 (in addition to $15,000 cushion for EOY balance).

Committee Reports:

  • Social Committee: 4th of July cookout was a success! Thank you Andy Anderson for the use of tailgating grill and for grilling hotdogs.  Other neighborhood thank you’s: Rick Dearinger for signs at clubhouse parking lot and playground.  Also, Rick for repairing folding chair hooks in the clubhouse storage closet.  Kathy Anderson for taking/removing clubhouse trash and recycling to the curb each week.  Lyle Testerman, his son-in-law, Brandon Halcomb and son for moving the fitness equipment back to the clubhouse.
  • Welcome Committee: No new residents this month.

Old Business:

  • Covenants: W. Baker (lawyer) will review the updated covenants with no charge. Brandon will touch base with him this week.  We need to check with the Secretary of State to determine who is listed as the Berry Creek registered agent.  Goal is to organize new covenant information in order to allow for resident review and voting at the end of August.
  • Board will get landscaping quotes for playground to be landscaped spring 2019.
  • Ideas for back of the playground sign: add clubhouse address and website information to the back of the playground sign so residents can have information ready in case of 911 call.
  • Resident Directory: Kathy and David Conway are working to compile emails to seek directory information.

New  Business:

  • Board discussed using clubhouse/common areas for profit. Certificate of insurance would be required from sales companies.
  • Lyle Testerman made a motion that clubhouse/parking lot/common areas can not be used for financial gain/business sales.  Rick Dearinger seconds.  All in favor, none opposed. Need to add this information to website/ rules and regulations.
  • General HOA Meeting for all residents will be held 8/20.  A call for board nominations will be made at this meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 6:52pm.