Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting

June 10, 2019 at 6:00 pm

Berry Creek Clubhouse

David Conway, Pat Kennedy, Lyle Testerman, Brandon Halcomb, Nancy Cooper, Nedra Seagal, Kathy Anderson, Sara Arens

Approval of previous minutes: Nedra motions, Kathy seconds, all in favor. None opposed

Comments from guests: No guests

President’s Report

  • Pool shade ordered, installed around the first of July. Final cost $7702
  • Reminder to be sent: no businesses, clean up pool area, no unsupervised kids, use trash cans, furniture out of the pool. 
  • Lights out at the entrance, Brandon will repair
  • Clubhouse to be painted.  2 coats and some basic repairs. Cost approx. $3900.
  • Roofing repairs: leaking above clubhouse kitchen and around the fireplace.
  • Pricing for a clubhouse leaf blower to be able to blow off leaves. 
  • Some clubhouse furniture (bar stools and glass table, and leather table and chairs) posted on facebook sale site. 

Maintenance Report

Finance Report

               Monthly Financial Summary

  • Nancy’s monthly report
    • 4 outstanding HOA dues
    • Pat motions to send a letter to residents informing them that their privileges are suspended.  One household pending check on June 30.  Nedra seconds, all in favor, none opposed.  

Committee Reports

               Social Committee: none

               Welcome Committee:

  • New family on W Cypress Mill Ave.

Old Business

  • Agreement between Berry Creek Community Association and Berry Creek Garden Homes Neighborhood Association
    • Updated agreement from Don, but still has some issues.  Will be redone by their attorney.  Nancy motion to table the discussion until next month, Sara seconds.  All in favor, none opposed. 
    • 3015 Shiloh Creek rocks: rocks will be moved onto the owner’s property

2019 Capital Improvements

  • 2020 Capital Improvement  request: more pool chairs

New Business

               Drainage at Clubhouse

  • Major erosion between Testerman’s house and clubhouse.
  • Estimates $1900-$25,000 for stones drainage/creek bed. 
  • Concrete drain $6800 plus labor to the old playground wall. 
    • Concern with kids playing on it.
    • Pat makes a motion of $9000 to fund drainage project, Nancy second.  All in favor, none opposed. 

June 29: 11-2 4th of July neighborhood party.  Pot luck & hot dogs.   


Lyle motions to adjourn, Nedra seconds.  All in favor, none opposed.  7:09