Berry Creek HOA
Board Meeting
June 11, 2018
Members Present
Brandon Halcomb, Lyle Testerman, Don Hansen, Pat Kennedy, Nancy Cooper, and Nedra Segall
Guest Present
David Conway
Proposal for Resident Directory
David Conway presented a proposal to compile a Resident Directory with restricted use by Berry Creek residents only. He will compose a letter explaining advantages of having a Resident Directory and its uses.
President’s Report
Playground landscaping – We will wait until this fall to plant trees by the playground equipment.
Letters to Builder regarding HOA dues – A letter will be mailed to builders who have vacant lots explaining that they will be billed for HOA dues beginning in January 2019.
Pool – We have a pump that needs repairs in the future.
HOA Meeting – Nancy Cooper made a motion to set the date for our 2018 HOA Meeting for August 20th. Nedra Segall seconded the motion, and it carried 6-0.
Maintenance Report
Clubhouse plumbing and electrical outlet repairs need to be made.
Finance Report
Nancy Cooper gave the May financial report, and it will be posted on our HOA website <>.
Unpaid Dues – We have 3 residents who have not paid their 2018 HOA dues. An additional resident sent a letter requesting the Board to waive the late fee on their account. The request was denied by the Board.
Committee Reports
Social Committee – The July 4th Community Event is planned for June 30th.
Welcome Committee – When new residents move into Berry Creek, members of the committee welcome them to the neighborhood and provide them with information about Berry Creek, the website, etc.
Old Business
Clubhouse Usage – Lyle Testerman made a motion that we return to the original usage policy and remove the usage fee. The motion carried 5-1.
Covenants – We are checking with attorneys to determine the cost for having our Covenant Revisions reviewed.
New Business
Clubhouse Cleaning Contract – A contract with Diane Fix to clean the clubhouse was approved 6-0.
The meeting adjourned.