Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
June 20, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Kathy Anderson, Nedra Segal, Nancy Cooper, Chris Norwood, Trevor Davenport, Pat Kennedy, Sara Arens
Approval of previous minutes: Nedra motions to accept the May minutes, Kathy seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: no guests
President’s Report/ Maintenance Report:
- The grass was fertilized last week.
- Landscapers are still working on cleaning up wet areas and some of the flower beds. They need to work on the wall/sidewalk that faces the garden homes.
- Jane Carter trimmed the holly bushes at the entrance. We are watching them to see if they will need removed.
- Pool lock needs repaired. In the meantime, Sara will include information in the newsletter that the key needs to be jiggled and twisted to work.
- Sara will include information in the newsletter that reminds residents of clubhouse guidelines, including: no political events or rentals (bounce house, food truck, etc.). Also, Sara will send a reminder that no political signs can be posted in the common areas.
Finance Report
- The Monthly Financial Summary was shared. One HOA due is left to collect.
- Pat motions to accept the Monthly Financial Summary, Nedra seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports
Social Committee: No report
Welcome Committee: No report
Old Business
New Business
- BluePeak internet, phone, tv:
- BluePeak quote is $250/month for internet, TV, phone and security system wi-fi.
- Pat motions to approve switching to BluePeak if after reviewing SuddenLink contract there are no issues with switching providers.
- Modification of Design Standard for fencing:
- We need to look around the neighborhood to determine the height of current fences.
- We will table the discussion on standards and guidelines until next month.
- Pool furniture:
- 5 lounge chairs are broken and/or cracked. We are working with the seller to see if they are still covered by warranty.
- 2 new chairs have been ordered.
- Future HOA item: do we need to look into a different type of patio furniture that will last longer?
- Yards/flower beds:
- Letters will be sent to residents that need to clean up their yards and/or flower beds.
- Kathy motions to adjourn at 6:49pm, Nancy seconds. All in favor, none opposed.