Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
July 11, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Brandon Halcomb, Nancy Cooper, Sara Arens, Trevor Davenport, Chris Norwood, Pat Kennedy, Kathy Anderson, Bryan Brockbank
Approval of previous minutes: Pat motions to accept June minutes, Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: no guests
President’s Report/Maintenance Report:
- The rock on the west side wall of the clubhouse has been repaired.
- The contract with Blue Peak was signed for service to the clubhouse. They will let us know when it will be installed.
- The retaining wall on the north side of the pool/green space: We will need to look into finding a company to repair it this summer or we will need to wait until the fall when our landscapers can work on it.
- Landscaping: There are weed issues that need addressed in entrance flower beds.
Finance Report:
- We are still waiting on 1 HOA dues to be paid.
- All expenses were normal monthly expenses.
- Trevor motions to accept the Monthly Financial Summary, Bryan seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports:
- Social Committee: no report
- Welcome Committee: no report
Old Business:
- Modification of Design Standard for fencing
- Most existing fences are around 4ft. Some average 3-5ft.
- We will add a revision to the covenants (appendix, exhibit C): As of 7/11/22, the standard for neighborhood fences will be black metal fencing between 3-5ft.
- Trevor motions to revise the covenants with the above statement, Sara seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Pool furniture:
- Pool furniture has been ordered but is delayed.
- Yards/Flower Beds:
- Pat will contact residents with yards/flower beds that need attention. If the issue is not resolved, the board will send letters.
New Business:
- The city will need to be contacted regarding these issues:
- The sidewalk traction near the entrance to the garden homes is cracked.
- The ground is sunk between the sidewalk and street near the fountain.
- Kathy motions to adjourn at 6:26pm, Bryan seconds. All in favor, none opposed.