Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
December 9, 2019 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members present: Chris Norwood, David Conway, Kathy Anderson, Nancy Cooper, Pat Kennedy, Ryan Miller, Sara Arens, Brandom Halcomb
Approval of previous minutes: Approval of November minutes. Kathy motions to approve, Chris seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: No guests
President’s Report:
- We have had a positive response to the new treadmill in the fitness area.
- The new tables are set up in the clubhouse.
Maintenance Report: None
Finance Report
- Monthly Financial Summary was shared.
- Nancy motions to approve the monthly finance report, David seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports
Social Committee: No report
Welcome Committee: No report
Old Business
- 3010 W. Wellington: The board reviewed some sample paint cards. Sara motions to approve 3 color family swatches for the new paint on 3010 W. Wellington, Chris seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
New Business
- There has been a complaint about a business being run out of a home on Shiloh Creek. Covenants state that any home business should not be obvious. Board will continue to review the complaint and revisit it at a later meeting.
- After the new year, we will survey the neighborhood to see what new fitness equipment the residents would like.
- Board members are asked to review the covenants (Section 7.4, page 12) and begin preparing ideas for how to enforce during the new year.
Adjourn: Sara motions to adjourn at 6:42pm, Kathy seconds. All in favor, none opposed.