October 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
October 8, 2018 at 6:00pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Diane Fix, Nancy Coooper, Nedra Segall, Sara Arens, Don Hansen, Pat Kennedy, Brandon Halcomb, Lyle Testerman
Approval of previous minutes: Meeting Minutes for September were approved
Comments from guests: No guests
President’s Report:
- Pool/Restrooms will be winterized.
- Hansen Exterminators are coming this week to do quarterly service at the clubhouse.
- Halloween:
- Allan Young will check with Stillwater Police Department about patrolling during Halloween Trick or Treating.
- Nedra motions that we spend up to $300 for police patrol on Halloween night. Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Brandon will look for signs to post at the entrances. Trick or treating posted times are 5-8 pm on Halloween night.
- Allan Young will check with Stillwater Police Department about patrolling during Halloween Trick or Treating.
Maintenance Report: No maintenance report
Finance Report:
- Usual expenses this month
- Expense of $1380 to Nates Tree Service for removal of trees at the entrance
Committee Reports
- Welcome Committee:
- One new family on Cypress Mill from Ponca City. Committee has visited them and welcomed them to the neighborhood!
- Social Committee
- Garage Sale signs have been posted at the entrances. Sara will post information on social media and craigslist this week. Garage sale is Satruday 10/13 from 8-noon. Sara has arranged for Savers Thrift/Oklahoma Adult and Teen Challenge to pick up donations and unsold items on 10/13. They will begin collecting in the neighborhood at noon.
- Halloween Party scheduled for 10/28 from 2-4. There have been a few volunteers. Ideas for the party include: Hay ride, Costume parade, Carnival games, and snacks.
Old Business
- Covenants:
- Pat has made final revisions to the covenants and will send to the lawyer for one final review. Board will review covenants before presenting to the neighborhood. Covenants will be posted on the Berry Creek website Dec 1 to allow residents 6 weeks to review before voting. Informational meetings will be held in January to present covenants/answer questions.
- Resident Directory
- The resident directory has been posted on the Berry Creek website. Information can be accessed by street.
- Currently there are around 70 households listed. Forms will be available at the October HOA Meeting.
- Fall landscaping
- Evergreen landscaping will plant trees on the entrance islands. The trees will either be birthday candle oaks or Blue Atlas Cedars. Goal is to plant by end of October.
- One tree will be planted on the side of the playground. Original plan to plant 2 trees need to be modified due to lines running underground. Tree and placing 2 park benches should be completed by end of October.
- Board motions to remove dying tree near Berry Creek sign and replace with either be birthday candle oak or Blue Atlas Cedar to match island trees. All in favor, none opposed.
- 2019 budget
- Brandon presented proposed improvements for 2019 year (2019 Proposed Capital Improvements ). Will Revise “new table and chairs at the clubhouse” to “new table and chairs at the clubhouse to replace the square table and chairs”. Nancy requested an additional item to be added: refinish the large table in the clubhouse.
- Brandon has received estimates on most items. Current estimated budget for 2019 improvements is $23,905. This is within the estimated $30,000 spending budget for next year.
- Nedra motions to approve capital improvements, Sara seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
New Business:
- It has been suggested that we post speed limits at both entrances, as well as a possible “Slow: Children at Play” sign. Brandon will research signs and contact the city for information regarding posting speed limits.