September 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2024
6pm BC Clubhouse
Members Present: Brandon Halcomb, Kathy Anderson, Nedra Segall, Nancy Cooper, Sara Arens
Members Absent: Trevor Davenport, Jared Starks, Pat Kennedy, David Carter
Guests Present: Bryan Plank, Marci Miller, Andy Anderson
Meeting began at 6pm.
Because only 4 members were present for the majority of the meeting (Sara arrived at the very end of the meeting), a quorum was not present. We were unable to approve previous minutes, financial reports, or vote on any issues.
Comments from guests: Bryan Plank voiced concerns regarding safety issues with pool. He questioned after-
hours swimming and signage issues.
President’s Report: Nothing
Maintenance Report: Pinstripe Lawn & Landscape has scheduled fescue over-seeding and fertilization for the
pecan grove area of the garden homes. Fall planting has been scheduled also.
Finance Report: Nothing
Social Committee: Nothing
Welcome Committee: Nothing
Old Business:
No discussion: we will re-visit the following issues next month:
Pool shade/pavers
Clubhouse termites
Mini-split AC for fitness room
New Business:
Halloween: Brandon suggested having fliers printed similar to our “trash collection” map, This map
would be distributed to the public as they enter BC. It would direct them as to which side of each street to park on during Trick-or-Treating hours. Volunteers will work at both entrances. Brandon will submit the necessary paperwork to the city for approval.
Annual Meeting: Scheduled for November 11, 2024
Nominating Committee: Brandon asked Nancy Cooper to contact Angie Crooks, Cookie Scott, and Pam Lanman about serving on this committee. They will be contacting residents to serve on the BC HOA Board.
BC Volunteers needed:
Clubhouse reservation person
Volunteer to handle BC trash containers on trash day
Facebook Admin
A request for volunteers will be posted on Facebook and emailed to residents.
“Thank You” to Nancy Cooper, Debbie and David Schaller for cleaning 2 upholstered chairs.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30pm.