September 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
September 13, 2021 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Brandon Halcomb, Kathy Anderson, Trevor Davenport, Chris Norwood. Sara Arens, Jodi Deer, Pat Kennedy, Nedra Segal, Nancy Cooper, Bryan Brockbank
Approval of previous minutes: Nancy motions to approve August minutes. Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: No guests
President’s Report/ Maintenance Report
- The new lock was installed at the clubhouse.
- The costs were $2017 for the lock and under $500 for the computer.
- Later we can use the same system to add locks to the pool and fitness center.
- Trees at the fountain
- 2 trees at the top of the fountain need to be removed.
- The holly bushes are damaged. OSU diagnosed the plants as damaged from the freeze. Damaged parts will be removed.
- Army Worms
- Trevor and Brandon sprayed around the clubhouse for army worms.
- Peak Pest Control did the grass in the pecan grove.
Finance Report:
Monthly Financial Summary:
- Includes usual expenses plus the expenses for the door lock system.
- Trevor motions to approve financial summary. Jodi seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports
Social Committee
Welcome Committee:
- Visited new families on Cypress Mill Ave. and Berry Creek St.
Old Business:
- Trailer was moved on Savannah
- Drainage behind Garden Homes: Jodi volunteers to help Brandon follow up on this.
New Business:
- Fall garage sale: Garage Sale will be October 9. Sara will call Super Thrift to do a pick-up.
- Annual meeting: The annual meeting will be held November 15. The Board meeting for November will be held Nov. 8.
- Stain clubhouse exterior: Brandon will call Dog Gone painting to work on the stain once the pool closes for the month.
Adjourn: Jodi motions to adjourn at 6:26pm. Bryan seconds. All in favor, none opposed.