September 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
September 14, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Present: Kathy Anderson, Chris Norwood, Nancy Cooper, David Conway, Sara Arens, Rod Billings, Don Hansen, Pat Kennedy.
Approval of previous August minutes: Nancy motion, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: none
President’s Report:
- There were RVs parked for longer than 72hrs. Residents have been talked to and are now moved.
- There audio timer on radio for the pool. The radio will shut off at 10pm
- Bandit mowing will weed and treat the crabgrass around the clubhouse. They will also plant new flowers.
- New trees at the main entrance are not doing well. Powell tree services will trim them and cut them back and bag them to keep moisture to see if that will help them. At east entrance, the tree died and will need to be removed. Tree in the garden homes common area is dropping branches. We will have them cleaned up.
- Clubhouse fiberglass doors need to be sanded down and repainted. Budget $1000. Don motions to approve any bids at or under $1000, Sara seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Coping around the swimming pool is in need of repair. We have one estimate for $15,000 (Pleasant pools) and we looking for other bids. We are looking to repair it in February. It is proposed that we wait on other capital improvements to be able to cover the pool. Don motions to defer rest of the capital improvements to 2021, and use carryover to pay for pool coping. Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Political signs: A question came up if we can place political signs. The board allows for temporary signs on private property (no signs in common areas) that will be removed in a timely manner.
- It is time to start thinking of 2021 capital improvements. Possible ideas: replace tree at the east entrance, security camera at pool entrance/clubhouse, wifi. Send any suggested capital improvements to Brandon.
Maintenance Report
Finance Report
- Monthly Financial Summary: no unusual expenses. Pat motions to accept monthly financial summary, Chris seconds. All in favor, none o.pposed
Committee Reports
Social Committee: no report
Welcome Committee: 2 new people on Cypress Mill. 6 more homes under contract.
Old Business
- Covenants enforcement: Pat reviewed changes made to covenants letter. The board will present the letter/procedures at the annual meeting. We will also make available the exhibit that outlines the restrictions for easy reference (website, letter, etc.). The board thanks Pat for his work on this. Rod motions to accept the CCR violations: procedures and sanctions policy, Don seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
New Business
- Fall garage sale: October 10. Sara will call Super Thrift to arrange pickup.
- Halloween: Trick-or-treating will be up to individuals to participate. The board will still post signs for Berry Creek trick-or-treating hours 5-8pm.
- Annual Meeting: Zoom meeting/Google meet? David motions that we hold the annual meeting on November 17 at 6:00pm, Kathy seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- For the rest of 2020 we will change board meetings to 2nd Wednesday 6:00pm. All approved.
- Pool will close at the end of September.
Adjourn: Sara motions to adjourn at 6:47pm. David seconds. All in favor, none opposed.