Berry Creek HOA Annual Meeting

October 22, 2018 at 6:00pm

Berry Creek Clubhouse



  • Call to orer at 6:07 pm
  • Introduce current HOA Board Members
  • History of the HOA

Current Improvements and Updates

  • 2018 capital improvements have been completed and updated.  These include the playset, drainage and sidewalk near the clubhouse.  Landscaping/tree removal near the entrance and miscellaneous improvements.

Finance Report

  • 2018 Budget
    • Nancy shared printed budget/expenses from 2018.
      • Resident concerns/questions:
        • Are there any depreciation plans on buildings?
        • Are there any unpaid dues?
          • No
        • When will the benches by the playground go in?
          • When the trees are planted later this fall.
        • Would changing the insurance company decrease insurance costs?
          • Probably not since it might make a difference in short term, but not after some time
  • 2019 Budget
    • Nancy reviewed expected expenses for 2019, as well as proposed capital improvements.
      • Resident question/concerns:
        • The fitness room equipment is out of order and possibly needs replaced.  Would the board consider updated fitness room as a capital improvement?
        • Updating fitness room might benefit more residents than proposed pool shade.
        • Does the pool need improvements for 2019?
          • Dennis reported that the zero entry issues were treated with shocking the grate this summer.  This could probably work for next year as well.
          • 2018 updates to the pool included electric and light work repaired, pool was in good working condition this year.

Committee Reports

  • Social Committee
    • Halloween Party will be held at the Clubhouse on 10/28 from 2-4pm.  We will have a parade that will go around Cypress Mill and Culpepper to the clubhouse and then games.  Please come or volunteer if you are able!
    • Berry Creek Trick-or-Treating will be held on Halloween Night from 5-8.  Signs will be posted and Stillwater Police officers will patrol the neighborhood.
  • Welcoming Commitee

Clubhouse Use Revision

  • Please note the new policy for clubhouse use.  The clubhouse or other common areas may not be used “for profit, fundraising, or business”.  See website for specific policy or ask a board member if you have questions before reserving the clubhouse.

Covenants and Bylaws

  • The current covenants and bylaws have been in place since 2003.  They were written when the majority of the neighborhood was owned by builders and the HOA was not ours.  A committee has worked extensively to make the covenants and bylaws relevant and applicable to the current residents and to ensure we maintain the neighborhood in the future.
  • The new covenants and bylaws will be published and available on the website by December 1.  Come and go informational meetings  with HOA Board members for questions/discussion regarding covenants and bylaws  will be held January 12 (from 9-11am) and January 14 (from 6-7pm).
  • Voting for new covenants and bylaws will be held January 28 from 6-7pm.  Residents must vote in person.

Resident Directory

  • Thank you to David Conway for working on the resident directory.
  • Please use meeting sign in sheet to indicate if you’d like to be included in the directory.

Meeting adjourned at 6:52pm