October 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
October 11, 2021 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Brandon Halcomb, Pat Kennedy, Trevor Davenport, Nedra Segal, Nancy Cooper, Kathy Anderson, Sara Arens, Bryan Brockbank
Approval of previous minutes: Trevor motions to approve the September minutes. Nancy seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: None
President’s Report/Maintenance Report:
- We are still receiving estimates on the drainage area behind the Garden Homes.
- 2 homes have yard issues that need addressed (1708 Palmetto, 1805 S Berry St.). Brandon will contact owners.
- Dennis is winterizing the pool.
- Landscaping/Mowing: 1 more mowing left for the year. We will revisit the landscaping contract in January 2022.
Finance Report
- Check was written for the new door lock system.
- Bill still out on the repaired pool light.
- Nedra motions to approve the monthly financial statement. Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports
- Social Committee
- Idea to have a holiday party for neighborhood kids. Sara will look for an available Santa. Sarah Davenport and Nedra Segal may want to help plan the event.
- Welcome Committee
- No report
Old Business
- Stain the Clubhouse
- Doggone Painting/Steve Williams has given an estimate for the washing, staining and painting of clubhouse patios. ($2281 paint + $250 power wash + $300 stain = $2831)
- Includes areas around the front and back porch, paint the trim around the pool equipment door, stain around the shower.
- Pat motions to accept the estimate and approve the clubhouse work. Nedra seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Doggone Painting/Steve Williams has given an estimate for the washing, staining and painting of clubhouse patios. ($2281 paint + $250 power wash + $300 stain = $2831)
New Business
- Halloween: We will not hire police to patrol the neighborhood on the Halloween.
- Nominating Committee: All current board members were elected in 2020 and serve a 2 year appointment. No nominating committee is needed.
- Capital Improvements
- Left in 2021: park benches, lighting at the east entrance, fire system at the clubhouse
- Possible ideas for 2022: Security system at the clubhouse, cameras at the entrances, digital pool/fitness center locks, paint the pool fence. We will send a survey about resident thoughts on a security camera system at the pool/clubhouse.
Adjourn: Trevor motions to adjourn at 6:40pm. Kathy seconds. All in favor, none opposed.