November 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
November 7, 2022 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Chris Norwood, Pat Kennedy, Brandon Halcomb, Kathy Anderson, Sara Arens, Nancy Cooper, Nedra Segal, Bryan Brockbank. Trevor Norwood, David Carter, Trevor Davenport
Approval of previous minutes: Pat motions to accept October meeting minutes, Nedra seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: no guests
President’s Report/Maintenance Report:
- Fitness equipment needs to be serviced.
- The clubhouse will be decorated on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
- 2 new pool chairs have been purchased. Need to be picked up from Furniture Showcase.
- Pinstripe mowing:
- They will start cleaning up pecan grove leaves.
- There will be increase in the quote for next year for fuel.
- We will get a quote from them for next year. Overall, we have been satisfied with their services this year.
Finance Report
- Monthly Financial Summary: regular expenses this month.
- Bryan motions to approve the monthly financial summary, Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports
- Social Committee:
- Holiday parties: Family party at 1:00 on 12/10. Santa will come at 1:00. Adult party will be a pizza party on 12/10 that evening.
- Trevor motions to approve a $600 budget for the adult party, Bryan seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Welcome Committee:
- 4 new families were visited this month.
Old Business
- Annual Meeting-November 14th
- Water Leak:
- The resident’s insurance company will cover the leak. His insurance may contact the HOA insurance. Repairs are being made.
- Nominating Committee report:
- Scott Billings name is added to the list. All other names are the same.
- Bryan Brockbank motions to accept the list of nominees, Nedra seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
New Business
- 2023 Proposed Budget
- Most of 2022 Capital improvements were not completed. We will need to repair the pool coping and several pool tiles.
- Trevor motions to accept 2023 capital improvements, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Halloween:
- Need to revisit the hiring of police next year.
- Bryan motions to adjourn at 6:41pm, Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.