May Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
May 11, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse/Online
Members Present: Ryan, Nedra, Kathy, Sara, Brandon, David, Chris, Rod, Don, Pat, Nancy
Approval of previous minutes: March Meeting minutes not currently available. We will approve at the June meeting.
Comments from guests: No guests
President’s Report:
- Hansen pest control servicing has been done at clubhouse. We are currently up to date.
- Bandit Mowing started April 1. Current mowing schedule is every other week until next week, then they will mow weekly. Contact the board if you notice any issues tall grass in between mowing. Brandon has met with the crew during mowing to help with any new issues.
- Sprinkler systems are on. There are 2 underground leaks near 19th (behind garden homes and at the east entrance). 7 sprinkler heads are broken. Brandon will contact AAA to come and fix.
- Previous covenant violations at 1815 s berry creek: There were multiple items and trash on driveway. Realtor came to clean away and other items were moved into the garage.
- 3305 w cypress mill: Covenants were hand delivered and reminded that boats cannot stay on the driveway. Issue has been resolved.
- Purchased new paper towel dispensers for the outdoor bathroom. 2 hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed in the pool bathrooms and one in fitness room. Auto closing hinges have been installed on bathroom doors. There are motion sensor lights in women bathroom.
- Brandon will schedule window washers to come for annual cleaning.
Finance Report
- Monthly Financial Summary shows regular expenditures plus payment for new exercise equipment. Nedra motions to approve May financial summary, Ryan seconds. All in favor, no opposed.
- 2020 dues update: 5 households have not paid their dues. Current dues now owed (with fees) is $850. One person/lot requesting that the fees are waived. Their dues were received on April 29. Kathy motions to still charge late fees for March and April but waive May fees if remaining $100 balance/fees are received in May, Sara seconds. All in favor, no opposed.
- The board is asked to vote to send out letters for delinquent dues and suspend rights of past due accounts. Kathy motions to send the letter to delinquent accounts, Nedra seconds, all in favor, no opposed.
Committee Reports
- Social Committee: The garage sale will be rescheduled for June 13. Sara will call Super Thrift to find out if they are doing pickups. Sara will also email Purdy Q to follow-up on his idea for a food truck night at the clubhouse.
- Welcome Committee. The committee has visited a new family on Montera and renters on Cypress Mill.
Old Business
- The CCR for Berry Creek Garden Homes Neighborhood Garden Homes vote was unanimous. It has been filed in at the courthouse and is now posted on BC Website.
- Covenants enforcement: Pat and David working on a process for covenant enforcement. David has been researching HOA across the country. The board recommends that we continue to work on putting clear steps in place for covenant enforcement. Pat makes a motion to table the discussion until June, Nedra seconds. All in favor, no opposed.
New Business
- Install patio screening at 3026 W. Wellington: Homeowner submitted plans for adding a screened patio for board approval. Nedra motions to approve the plan, Kathy seconds. All in favor, no opposed.
- Pool opening: The board reviewed state health department guidelines, CDC documents regarding COVID-19 in water, and state reopening guidelines. We will follow the guidelines based on health department which recommends setting half capacity (61ppl), maintaining chemical levels, and encouraging social distancing. These recommendations will expire on June 1 if the state moves forward with current reopening plan. The HOA will provide cleaning materials for residents to clean chairs/tables. Disinfectant will also be available in the restroom and Dennis will disinfect restroom handles/faucets and gate handles each night. Sara motions to open on May 16 with the recommended health department guidelines, Rod seconds, all in favor, no opposed. Brandon will get in written approval from the city/health department.
- Amended Clubhouse usage guidelines: Following the state reopening guidelines, the clubhouse will open on May 16 at half capacity (Brandon will determine the capacity) until June 1. Cleaning fee will be in place until June 1. Rod motions to following reopening guidelines, Pat seconds, all in favor, no opposed.
- Purchase pool furniture (capital improvement): Our 2020 capital improvement plan has a $4000 budget for 6 lounge chairs, 7 tables. Brandon presented a quote from Furniture Showcase to purchase additional chairs similar to the ones we already have. Sara motions to purchase 6 lounge chairs and 7 round tables, Kathy seconds. All in favor, no opposed.
- Chris: Requests that the cypress trees along 19th, behind the garden homes, be trimmed. They are hanging low and covering the sidewalk. Brandon will look into getting the trees trimmed.
- Don: The private road at garden homes will be repaired and resurfaced on May 26-29.
- The new treadmill and elliptical are installed in the exercise room.
Adjourn: Nedra motions to adjourn, Sara seconds. 7:05pm