Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting

March 11, 2019 at 6:00 pm

Berry Creek Clubhouse

Members Present: Brandon Halcomb, Nancy Cooper, Lyle Testerman, Don Hansen, Nedra Segal, Pat Kennedy, Sara Arens, Rick Dearinger

Meeting begins at 6:05pm

Approval of previous minutes: Pat motions to accept the February minutes, Nedra seconds.  All in favor, none opposed. 

Comments from guests: No guests

President’s Report:

  • Meeting with Gary Shann.  This is the last year of our 3 year contract with Shann Landscaping.  He is finishing the spraying.  Discussed keeping up the retention pond, landscaping at the entrances.
  • Fitness equipment has been serviced and repaired. Some parts could not be replaced on original equipment. Treadmill on the north side, near the door, is making a noise.  The motor is starting to wear out.  Replacing it would cost approximately $3000-$4000.  They will be back in June to maintain equipment.
  • Clubhouse guttering has been allocated $1900 in budget.  Estimates came in at $1700 and $1200 for guttering and leaf guard.  We will use Precision Guttering & Drains (from Perkins) for $1200 for clubhouse guttering and leaf guard. 
  • Landscaping for Shiloh Creek Island: $377 for water meter (for irrigation) to be placed on Shiloh creek island. 
  • Lawyer has filed paperwork to terminate declarant rights from Mike Ebert (who was designated in previous HOA Covenants and By-Laws)
  • Board has sent a letter sent to resident to have rock removed from lot by May 1. 

Maintenance Report:

Finance Report:

  • The February financial report was presented.
  • 6 homes left to pay HOA dues.  Invoices were sent to residents stating that residents are not in good standing and will not be permitted to use clubhouse and pool.
  • Lyle approves March financials, Pat seconds.  All in favor, none opposed.

Committee Reports:

Social Committee: Garage Sale will be Saturday, April 27 from 8-12pm.  Sara will schedule pickup from Saver’s Thrift.  Sara will contact members on sign-up genius to discuss Easter Egg hunt.  (Saturday before Easter is booked with town activities)

Welcome Committee: new residents in the Garden Homes have been visited. 

Old Business:

New Business:

Approve the affirmative vote/written consent of the voting members for the Amended Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Berry Creek:  New Covenants and By-Laws passed with 87.6% positive votes.  Brandon asks if the board will approve the vote.  Pat motions to certify and approve the affirmative vote/written consent of the voting members for the Amended Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Berry Creek.  Sara seconds.  All in favor, none opposed. 

The new covenants and by-laws will become official when recorded with the county clerk.  Brandon will sign and notarize and submit them to the clerk.

Filing fee approx. $90-100

We will post a call for emails/letters for people that are interested in joining the board.  

Adjourn: Brandon calls to adjourn 7:17pm, Rick seconds.  All in favor, none opposed.