Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
March 11, 2024 at 6:00pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Pat Kennedy, Kathy Anderson, Jared Starks, Nancy Cooper, Sara Arens,
Bryan Brockbank
Approval of previous minutes: Sara motions to approve February minutes, Jared seconds.
All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from Guests: no guests
President’s Report/Maintenance Report:
● Lee glass gave an estimate of $3800 to fix a broken window in the fitness room. We are
waiting on an estimate from City Glass.
● Retaining wall is almost finished. Old rocks will be sold to the highest bidder. Sara will
post information on Facebook.
● Pinstripe has completed the pre-emergent. We do not have a date for spring landscape
clean up.
● Pool chemicals have been ordered for the season. The cost is $4300.
● A replacement spring for the teeter totter has been ordered. We are hoping to have it
installed in early May.
● We currently have 3-4 broken pool chairs that need repaired or replaced.
Monthly Finance Report:
● 9 past due notices were sent. These residents will have their key cards deactivated until
● Pat motions to approve the monthly finance report, Jared seconds. All in favor, none
Committee Reports:
● No report from Social or Welcoming Committees.
Old Business:
● Private Swimming Lessons:
○ Based on the current policy that no Berry Creek common areas may be used for
commercial business, the Board recommends that no one can hire/pay for
swimming lessons in the community pool. The vote is 4 for no lessons, 2 against
no lessons, and 1 abstained. Need motion and second?
● Spring Garage Sale: The garage sale will be held on April 6 from 8-12. Sara will arrange
a Super Thrift pickup that afternoon.
New Business:
● Late Fee Changes: the Board will need to review current covenants to make changes to
the late fees and lien statements for delinquent accounts.
● Private Swimming Lessons/Pavers in the Pool Area: We are going to remove old
Magnolia/ground cover space in front of the fitness room. We will look into the cost of
adding pavers. We are also looking into adding another sun shade in the pool area.
Adjourn: Bryan motions to adjourn at 7:00, Jared seconds. All in favor, none opposed.