June 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
June 8, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members present: Rod Billings, Don Hansen, Pat Kennedy, David Conway, Kathy Anderson, Sara Arens, Brandon Halcomb, Ryan Miller, Chris Norwood, Nedra Segall, Nancy Cooper
Guests Present: Jamie Wedlake, Kendra and Blaine Ryder
Approval of previous minutes: Kathy motions to approve May minutes, David seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: Concern: it is increasingly difficult to use the pool and there are large number of guests. People are smoking, vaping, using glass bottles, and guests appear to be staying after homeowners leave. We recognize that we are one of few pools open but due to COVID, is it possible to limit numbers of guests? Pat motions motion to limit guests due to COVID to 4 guests per household at a time. David seconds, all in favor and no opposed. We will add “no smoking or vaping” to pool rules. Sara will send pool reminders.
President’s Report
- New pool furniture coming this week (6 chairs without wheels, 7 tables)
- We will get a new sign for the pool gate that reads “Berry Creek residents only”
- The trees trimmed along 19th to allow people to walk under.
- If anyone is out walking, check the front trees for bagworms and let Brandon know if you see any so we can treat them early.
Maintenance Report
Finance Report
Monthly Financial Summary: standard bills, ½ of pool furniture paid. Nedra motions to approve June financial statement, Pat seconds, All in favor, none opposed.
2020 dues update: all dues paid
Commitee Reports:
Social Committee: The neighborhood garage sale is this Saturday, 6/13. Super Thrift will come at noon.
Welcome Committee: visited 2 new residents, on Wellington and Culpepper.
Old Business
New road in the garden homes
Covenants enforcement: Pat and David working on a system in place to contact residents in violation of covenants. David will type it up and bring it to the next meeting. David motions to table until July, Sara seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
New Business
- Brick on the edge of the pool is breaking off, 2 pool companies are coming to give estimates on repairing broken bricks.
- We will add to pool rules: no smoking or vaping on the pool deck. Nedra motions, Sara second. All in favor, none opposed.
- Suggested idea: look into camera system for parking lot, playground and pool in case of vandalism or accidents. Brandon will look into pricing for a system.
Adjourn: 6:55 adjourn