July 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
July 10, 2023 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: David Carter, Brandon Halcomb, Nancy Cooper, Nedra Segal, Kathy Anderson, Sara Arens, Pat Kennedy, Trevor Davenport, Brian Brockbank.
Approval of previous minutes: Pat motions to approve June minutes, Nedra seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: Guests present: Lia Merrell, David and Kathy Conway, Jodi Deer, Prasanna Fernando.
- Lia Merrell would like the board to consider allowing a paid swim instructor to give her children lessons at the pool. The board will look into insurance policy information and discuss if there are any options for this.
- David and Kathy Conway would like to thank the board for their service. They would like the board to know that there are many residents who would like to support us and asked that we reach out to the neighborhood when we need help.
President’s Report/ Maintenance Report:
- Bag worms have been sprayed.
- The fan in the fitness room was replaced.
- Some pool furniture needs replaced.
Finance Report
- Monthly Financial Summary was shared. Nedra motions to approve the monthly summary, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports
- Social Committee: Sara wants to arrange an ice cream truck or snow cones to celebrate the first week of school. The date is set for Friday, August 11. Sara will arrange a time with a vendor. Trevor moves to approve the same amount as last year, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed. Kathy reports that last year’s snow cone party expense was $100.
- Welcome Committee: New residents on Cypress Mill were visited.
Old Business
- Late fees-3018 Montera: The Board met in executive session to discuss and consider a course of action for late fees of a Member.
- Flower bed violations-3019 W. Shiloh Creek, 1422 S. Ashton, 1500 S. Ashton, 1715 S. Ashton: Pat reached out to all residences and all issues have been addressed and cleaned up.
New Business
- Camera system for the clubhouse parking lot and pool gate is estimated at $2500. This is the cost of 2 cameras, hard drive and router. Trevor, Brandon and Eli Halcomb can install. Jared motions to approve $2500 for security cameras. Nedra seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Adjourn: Bryan motions to adjourn at 7:10, Dave seconds. All in favor, none opposed.