July 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
July 13, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Present: Brandon Halcomb, Chris Norwood, Nancy Cooper, David Conway, Don Hansen, Rod Billings, Pat Kennedy, Sara Arens, Kathy Anderson, Nedra Segall.
Approval of previous minutes: Pat motions to approve June meeting minutes, David seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: none
President’s Report
- New chairs and tables have arrived (6 lounge chairs without wheels, end tables)
- Bagworms up front will need treated (Murray pest control: last year approx. $500)
- Annual meeting
- Meeting will be held in early November. We will start planning and need to think through different ways to make the meeting work with social distancing, masks, voting, virtual, etc. If you have any ideas for the meeting, please share with Brandon.
Maintenance Report
Finance Report
- Monthly Financial Summary: regular expenses plus quarterly premium for State Farm and balance on pool furniture paid. Sara motions to approve to approve the finance report, Don seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Question regarding why we are paying a bank fee. Kathy will call the bank to inquire.
Committee Reports
Social Committee: none
Welcome Committee: new resident on Ashton. 5 homes closing soon.
Old Business
- Covenants
enforcement: David and Pat
- Letters are finalized
- Board members should discuss to make sure it is a violation before contacting resident.
- Board member to visit with the person or call before sending letters.
- 2 weeks later, follow up letter for 30 days to fix. 15 days to request a meeting with covenants board/HOA board.
- If it hasn’t been resolved, fine followed by a monthly fine until problem resolved
- Proposed idea to share procedure and fine prior
to annual meeting.
- Finalized letters and procedure will be brought to August Board meeting to finalized. Chris motions to table the discussion until August Board Meeting. Sara seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
New Business
- Screened porch at 1500 Ashton: Don motions for board approval, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Temporary
restrictions-City Ordinance 3452: The information was sent out by email and
facebook. It has also been posted on
the clubhouse doors and gate.
- Resident requested that the board discuss an issue with renting the clubhouse and allowing a large number of guests at the pool. Kathy will inform anyone who reserves the clubhouse that there is still need to limit pool guests to 4 people.
- Sara Motion to approve temporary restrictions (pool, clubhouse, playground, bathrooms, common areas), Kathy seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Swimming pool repair
- Small tiles beginning to break. We will need to address this winter. 6-8 currently broken. Current quote retile all is approximately $12-15,000 (Pleasant Pools, OKC).
- It was suggested that an additional sign is needed for pool gate asking all residents to close the gate behind them.
7:39: David motions to adjourn, Don seconds. All in favor, none opposed.