Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
January 13, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Board Members present: Trevor Davenport, Deidre Billings, Pat Sherin, Nancy Cooper, Kent Neeland, and Nedra Segal.
Approval of previous minutes (Note hard copies were available for review)
Motioned and seconded to accept the December 2024 Board Meeting minutes
Comments from Resident
President’s Report
A request to have a booth at the clubhouse to sell Girl Scout Cookies was discussed. Due to the potential insurance issues, along with where to draw the line for other types of public sales, the request will be denied. It was suggested that the individual could post a notice that items would be for sale at their residence address.
Positive comments have been received regarding the Halloween Trick or Treat parking procedures and parking map. BC will adopt the procedure for future events.
Maintenance Report
New pumps were installed for the waterfall feature at the west entry. Estimated total cost of the pumps was $1,000. An invoice has not been received as of January 13.
A new backflow device is required for one of the irrigation systems. (No further information as of January 13.)
Cedar root systems need to be removed at the east entry to allow the grass to grow. (No further information as of January 13.)
Erosion of the drainage channel in the Garden Homes will require repair to the subgrade under the channel, as well as shortening the underground drain pipe and possible concrete work. (Estimates are being solicited.
Replacement of the Playground Mulch was completed by Pin Stripe the week of January 5th. There were reports of a few bare spots that may require additional mulch to be installed.
Finance Report
Monthly Financial Summary
Reviewed, motion to accept by Nedra and seconded by Kent. Motion passed
Committee Reports
Social Committee
Nancy Cooper coordinates the Movers and Shaker events, as well as the Christmas event.
Welcome Committee
Sarah Davenport is interested in serving on the Welcome Committee. Trevor will give her Nancy and Kathy Anderson contact information. They will locate the welcome packet and instructions of the new residents for Sarah.
Kelly Allen is scheduling the clubhouse reservations, and working through the process.
Old Business
The Pecan Grove Drainage Channel repair – no further information at this time
New Business
The invoice for property insurance from State Farm Insurance is due this month. Deidra will get a check cut for them.
BCHOA dues have been received from all but 75 members as of December 31, 2024.
A motion to adjourn by Nedra and seconded by Kent, the motion passed.
Meeting adjourned – 6:45 p.m.