February 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
February 10, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members present: Brandon Halcomb, David Conway, Chris Norwood, Rod Billings, Don Hansen, Pat Kennedy, Kathy Anderson, Sara Arens, Nedra Segall, Nancy Cooper
Meeting begins at 6:02pm
Approval of previous minutes: Rod Billings was not present at December meeting, Sara will correct attendance. Pat motions to approve December minutes with corrections, Nedra seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests : no guests
President’s Report:
- Lights at the entrance have been repaired
- 1819 Berry Creek: There is trash on driveway. The owner has been contacted and will clean up the trash.
- Parking issue on West Old Forest: Issue has been resolved.
- Noise complaint on Charleston Ct.: The owner has been contacted.
- 3026 W Wellington: Owner contact board for approval to pour concrete sidewalk and trash pad on the side of the house. Board approved.
- City will be working on extra drainage behind Ashton
- Land at 19th and Sangre: Brandon
shared maps from the city that show zoning and flood plain
- Ebert currently owns the land (except for the lot on the corner of 19th and Sangre). There are currently no plans or permits to do anything on the property.
- The construction that is happening now is only dirt work to help with drainage.
- Ebert has a concept in mind: His plan is to extend W Cypress Mill and connect it to 19th. He hopes to rezone some of the current commercial area and build high end townhomes between W Cypress Mill and the creek. He will leave the land along 19th as commercial.
Maintenance Report: none
Finance Report
Monthly Financial Summary: January and February financial reports were shared. Nedra motions to approve budget statements, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
2020 dues update: 159 dues paid, 41 not paid. Reminder letters have been sent. The late fee will be added to dues not paid by March 1.
Committee Reports
Social Committee: Neighborhood Garage Sale, May 2. Super Thrift will be scheduled to do a neighborhood pickup.
Welcome Committee: several new residents were visited. Many homes have been sold, and will close later this month.
Old Business
Covenants: Board members reviewed the covenants and will begin enforcing covenant violations. The first level of response will be a general letter from HOA Board. Residents will have 15 days to request a hearing/meeting with the Board.
New Business
CD for 2019 reserve fund: In 2019, $15,000 was set aside to be placed in a reserve fund for HOA emergencies. Nancy motions to purchase 12 month CD with the reserve fund. Don seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Lawn maintenance contract: Our current contract with Shann’s Lawn and Landscaping is expiring. We are currently seeking bids for services. Brandon prepared a proposal of services and will send to various landscaping businesses to receive their bids. Bids are due by March 4, 2020. The board will review bids at the March board meeting.
Landscaping at main entrance: The HOA received a Quote from AAA Landscaping to work on the landscaping at the entrance. The bid includes removal of plants at the waterfall, planting in the center islands and in the beds along the sidewalk/rock wall near 19th St. David motions to accept the bid and move forward with the landscaping work by AAA Landscaping, Rod seconds. All in favor, none opposed. AAA Landscaping and Powell’s Tree Care also bid to trim the bottoms of the cedar trees at both entrances and clean up under the trees. AAA Landscaping quote is $2200. Powell’s quote is $740. Nedra motions to have Powell’s trim the trees, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Fitness equipment: The 2020 budget includes $8000 for updating the fitness room equipment. We replaced one treadmill in December. We will send a survey asking residents what equipment they prefer. The Board will review the survey results and decide on equipment next month. Nedra motions to approve fitness survey, David seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Meeting adjourns at 7:12. David motions to adjourn, Sara seconds. All in favor, none opposed.