February 2017 Meeting Minutes

Members Present- Allan Young, Nancy Cooper, Chris Goff, Kristen Gajewski, John Brown, Joe Robinson, Greg Fox, Diane Fix, Rick Dearinger
Kristen Gajewski gave presentation over commercial playset options with pictures, prices and options. Several different options were presented. An option of starting small and adding on to playset each year was discussed if budget wouldn’t allow all of playset options to be purchased at once. Different options for surface were also discussed ranging from wood chips to artificial turf. Options of playsets will be put on new website for neighbors to look at and choose which one is the favorite. Budget will decide how much can we spend on it. Budget was discussed and it was agreed that we would replace playset as it was an original part of the neighborhood.

Dennis Cyr gave presentation over wooden chairs for seating around pool deck and options of different chairs he could make along with costs, maintenance, etc. Pool chair committee will pick which chairs we will be buying in the near future.
Allan discussed recent activities such as 4 neighborhood community watch signs being placed in neighborhood, seal around toilet in clubhouse replaced, hot water heater repaired, fireplace repaired, new website is almost complete, vacuum and other cleaning supplies bought for clubhouse. Blaine Rider will start on repairs to clubhouse, guard shack and fountain pump room asap. No soliciting signs will be placed at each entrance next week. Gary Shann of Shann’s Landscape has added sod in several areas for us that were needed. Dennis has fountain looking very good already, pool is coming along as well and no problems have been reported. Around 60 homes still have not paid hoa dues. Another invoice will be sent to them. New website will have clubhouse booking calendar with clubhouse guidelines and cleaning list. Those that attempt to book clubhouse and haven’t paid dues will be denied until dues paid. Nancy Cooper is now treasurer for us. Kristen Gajewski is Secretary and will also be clubhouse coordinator/person of contact for booking issues on new website.