December 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
December 13, 2021 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Brandon Halcomb, Kathy Anderson, Nedra Segal, Nancy Cooper, Trevor Davenport, Pat Kennedy, Bryan Brockbank, David Carter
Approval of previous minutes: Kathy motions to approve the November meeting minutes. Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: No guests
President’s Report/ Maintenance Report:
- Staining/painting of the exterior of the clubhouse has been completed by Dawgone Custom Painting.
- Schatz will be cleaning the inside and outside of the clubhouse windows. They were dirty after power washing the exterior prior to staining/painting.
- Camco performed a routine maintenance check of the gas logs in the fireplace.
Finance Report: 2022 dues invoices were mailed out before Thanksgiving. Nedra motions to accept the finance report. Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports
Social Committee: Thanks to Cookie Scott, Cathy Conway, Kathy Anderson, Sarah Davenport, and Debbie Schaller for decorating the clubhouse for Christmas.
The kids Christmas party was held on December 11th and was a big success. Thanks to Sarah Davenport and Sara Arens for planning and hosting the party.
Welcome Committee: no report
Old Business
- Annual meeting went well.
- Mike Loftis has given us permission to access the drainage channel behind the Garden Homes for the erosion control project. Wynn Construction will perform the work.
New Business
- A plan for an outdoor kitchen and patio extension at 3215 W. Shiloh Creek was submitted. Kathy motions to approve the construction. Nedra seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Let the minutes show that a retaining wall/landscaping project at 3118 W. Cypress Mill was approved via email.
- Let the minutes show that plans for a new home at 3007 W. Shiloh Creek were approved via email.
- A discussion was held on the proposal from Pinstripe Lawn Care and Landscaping for 2022. A motion was made by David and seconded by Nedra to accept the proposal from Pinstripe. All in favor, none opposed.
- An election of officers for 2022 was held.
- President: Brandon Halcomb
- Vice-President: Trevor Davenport
- Secretary: Sara Arens
- Treasurer: Kathy Anderson
Adjourn: Bryan motions to adjourn at 6:30 pm. Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.