August 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
August 14, 2023 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Pat Kennedy, Kathy Anderson, Jared Starks, Nedra Segal, Nancy Cooper, Trevor Davenport, Sara Arens, Bryan Brockbank.
Approval of previous minutes: Nedra motions to accept July minutes, Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests:
- Lia Merrell and Terry/Gary Varnell were present to hear updates on allowing swimming lessons in pool. Lia Merrell also suggests an HOA sponsored CPR class for neighborhood babysitters.
President’s Report/ Maintenance Report:
- Pump issues at the pool have been repaired.
Finance Report
- Nedra motions to accept the monthly financial report, Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports
- Social Committee: We bought 46 snow cones at the Back to School snow cone trick. Total paid was $100.
- Welcome Committee: One new resident on Ashton/Cypress Mill.
Old Business
- Late fees:
- Residents have offered to settle late fees. They offered to pay $500 of outstanding balance. Bryan motions to accept the late fee of $500 after discussion with HOA Lawyer, Trevor seconds. 6 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstained. The motion passes.
- Pat, Jared, and Brandon will research other HOA to find out about their late fee policies and will share in September.
New Business
- Discuss private swimming lessons:
- Nedra motions to appoint a committee of Trevor Davenport (chair), Sara Arens, Pat Kennedy and Jared Starks, Kathy seconds. All in favor, none opposed
- They will research swimming lesson/insurance options. The recommendation will be out 30 days before the annual meeting to allow residents to review.
- Vote to approve/disapprove house plans at 1724 S. Palmetto
- Nedra motions to approve plans, Trevor seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Consider and vote on new Board member
- The current Garden Homes president has volunteered to join the Board. Trevor motions to accept her on the board, Nedra seconds. 2 in favor, 5 opposed. The motion does not pass.
- Other business:
- Flower bed issues have all been contacted and resolved.
- Pool closing September 30.
- Bryan motions to adjourn at 6:52. All in favor, none opposed.