April 2019 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
April 8, 2019 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Lyle Testerman, Sara Arens, Pat Kennedy, Brandon Halcomb, Nancy Cooper, Nedra Segall, Rick Dearinger, Diane Fix, Don Hansen
Meeting begins at 6:05
Approval of previous minutes: Rick corrected the spelling of his last name. Nancy has a few edits to make to February and March minutes. Pat motions to approve March notes once edited, Nedra seconds. All approve, none opposed.
Comments from guests: None
President’s Report and Maintenance Report
- Thank you to resident David Schaller for painting parking lot lines at the clubhouse.
- Thank you to resident Nancy Cooper for painting the clubhouse mailbox.
- Shiloh Creek Island water meter has been ordered. Brandon is still getting estimates on a sprinkler system. Sanders Nursery will be out to plant 3 trees on the Shiloh Creek Island this week.
- Sanders Nursery will also plant shrubs and clean up landscaping at the clubhouse.
- Pool gate is going to be serviced and repaired by Oakley fencing.
- Bedlam Concrete will repair the caulking around the pool this spring.
- We are still getting quotes on pool shades and will discuss this more at the May Board Meeting.
- Pool opening May 11
Finance Report
Monthly Financial Summary
- The March financial report was presented. Sara motions to approve the March financials, Lyle seconds. All approve, none opposed.
- Online financial summary is being modified to protect sensitive information. Residents can contact Nancy Cooper to view bank statements and other financial reports.
- 4 HOA dues are unpaid. These residents have been contacted.
Committee Reports
Social Committee
- An email was sent to people who volunteered for neighborhood committees. There have been no volunteers to organize an Easter Egg Hunt.
- The neighborhood garage sale is still scheduled for April 27. Sara has contacted Saver’s Thrift and they will be in the neighborhood to collect donations at noon.
Welcome Committee
- New family on Ashton has been visited
Old Business
- Person with woodpile in Garden Homes has been contacted and will make pile neater.
New Business
- Contract with Dennis Cyr for swimming pool and fountain care/maintenance: Previous contracts have had the HOA cover Dennis’s insurance. This will be the last year that the HOA will pay insurance. Pool open May 11-last weekend of September. Other wording/contract remains the same. Nancy motions to accept contract, Don seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Pool rules: Rick will make a new sign for under the roof. Dennis will check with health department to see if there are any rules we need to add. Board updated some of the wording of current rules for new sign.
- Agreement between Berry Creek Community Association and Berry Creek Garden Homes Neighborhood Association: Don and Nedra presented a document that allows Garden Homes to have a governing body, adhere to BC Covenants but also set stricter covenants, makes them responsible for things that are unique (gate, private road), and requests that some decisions/governing ability not be required to be approved by Berry Creek HOA Board. They request on-going agreement for the duration of the current covenants/by-laws. Board will review document and discuss next month. Lyle motions to table discussion on the document until next month, Don seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Accounting records for 3314 W. Charleston Court and 3036 W. Shiloh Creek Avenue: Nedra motions to adjust accounting records for these addresses to match the records at the tax assessors office, Don seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Covenants filed with county clerk, now are in effect.
- Next month: Board will discuss enforcement of covenants
Adjourn: Nedra motions to adjourn, Sara seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Meeting adjourns at 7:07pm