April 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
April 8, 2024 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Brandon Halcomb, Kathy Anderson, Trevor Davenport, Jared Starks, Nedra Segal,
Nancy Cooper, Pat Kennedy, Sara Arens, Bryan Brockbank
Approval of previous minutes: Nedra motions to approve March minutes, Trevor seconds. All in favor,
none opposed.
Comments from guests: No guests
President’s Report/ Maintenance Report:
Peloton bike was purchased for the exercise room.
Cushions were purchased for the clubhouse bench and chairs.
Spring landscape clean-up has begun.
Thanks to Pat Kennedy for contacting residents about landscape clean-up.
Question asked: Who is responsible for the cleanup of uninhabited house on Ashton?
Finance Report
Monthly Financial Summary: Trevor motions to approve the monthly financial summary, Jared
seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports
Social Committee: No report
Welcome Committee: No report
Old Business
Keep the discussion about dues and late fees on the next agenda. We need to check in with the
lawyers on next steps.
City glass will replace the broken glass in the clubhouse exercise room for $800.
New Business
Pavers on pool deck: Thrive landscaping quoted $2100 for removing the garden area from the
center of the pool deck and replacing with pavers.
Pool shade: We have been given a quote of $9800-$12,800 for new pool shade. This will be
placed near the garden area in the center of the deck. We will check into other business to
compare quotes. We will table this discussion until we receive more quotes.
Pool expansion joint repair: There are a few blue tiles and places where the pool calking needs
repaired. Dennis will try to work on these before the pool opens.
Vote to suspend use rights for unpaid dues: Kathy motions to suspend the pool/clubhouse rights
for residents that have not paid their dues, Bryan seconds. All in favor, none opposed. Letters
will be sent to those residents.
Adjourn: Trevor motions to adjourn at 6:38pm, Bryan seconds. All in favor, none opposed.