April 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
April 10, 2023 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Kathy Anderson, Nancy Cooper, Sara Arens, Pat Kennedy, Trevor Davenport, Bryan Brockbank, Nedra Segal
Approval of previous minutes: March and April minutes will be sent for May meeting
Comments from guests: No guests
President’s Report/Maintenance Report:
- Jay & Sons did work on the sprinklers at the entrance.
- Pinstripe will do some spring cleaning of green areas and flower beds, Brandon and Trevor will walk the green areas to look for places that need cleaned up. Suggested area: weeds need pulled on the rocks that face the garden homes.
Finance Report/Monthly Financial Summary:
- Nedra motions to accept the monthly financial statement, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Committee Reports
Social Committee: no report
Welcome Committee: no report
Old Business
Patio/porch coating at Clubhouse: work will be finished this week
Electronic locks for pool/fitness room:
- Electronic locks and gate repainting will take place this week
- The new lock system will be installed next week
- Kathy is coming up with a plan to pass out new keys
Discussion on Amendment One to Exhibit B, Leasing of Units:
- need to so survey before proceeding
Spring Garage Sale-May 6th
New Business
Late Fee-1715 S. Ashton
- Residents have requested a refund of late fee.Pat motions to deny late fee request, Nancy seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Community Events
- Pat would like to gather some ideas on building community engagementIdeas: Saturday morning coffee, 4th of July Cookout
Adjourn: Bryan motions to adjourn at 6:31. Nedra seconds. All in favor, none opposed.