April 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Board Meeting
April 12, 2021 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse
Members Present: Pat Kennedy, Sara Arens, Kathy Anderson, Chris Norwood, Brandon Halcomb, Nedra Segal, Bryan Brockbank, Nancy Cooper
Approval of previous minutes: Nedra motions to accept March minutes, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Comments from guests: No guests
President’s Report/Maintenance Report
- Steve Williams painted the clubhouse doors. Nedra suggests adding a kick plate to the doors to protect them.
- David Schaller painted the steel posts throughout the neighborhood.
- Construction has begun on the new house on Charleston Ct.
- Builder had questions about other homes having steps and AC unit on their property. The board recommends that the builder/neighbors work it out among themselves.
- The builder has been informed that they will need to repair any damage to the road.
- The brick in the Garden Homes (color Brenner Pass by ACME) has been discontinued. The stone is Coronodo Stone Products Freedom Building Stone Series (color Alamo Sands) and is also carried by ACME.
- Pool coping was finished last week. Brandon left a message for them to come and look at a few places before the pool opens on May 8.
- The pool furniture will all be power washed.
- Brandon and Chris met with Bandit mowing. They will respray because of weeks. Mowing will start this week.
- Fescue seed was planted in the Garden Homes pecan grove. The hanging branches were taken down.
- There have been temporary fixes made to the sprinkler system. We need to go around and check/fix several sprinkler heads.
- The bushes near the clubhouse appear to have died with the winter freeze. We will check them in a month and decide if they need to be removed.
- A pool pump needs to be repaired. Dennis is buying pool supplies (approx. $1800 for the season).
Finance Report
- The Monthly Financial Summary was shared. Pool coping and State Farm Insurance quarterly statement bills were paid.
Committee Reports
- Social Committee: The garage sale will be held May 8. Super Thrift will come and do a neighborhood pickup after the garage sale
- Welcome Committee: New residents on Shiloh and W. Old Forest were visited.
Old Business
New Business
- A letter will be sent out this week to suspend the privileges of remaining homes that owe HOA dues. Nedra motions to send letters, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- The pool will open on May 8.
- Sara will send out updated guidelines and rules.
- Cleaner will still be available at the entrance.
- Porch/patio at Clubhouse (capital improvement)
- Copperhead coatings quotes $2800 for a concrete coating
- Simpson Concrete and Stain quotes $1500 to restain
- Kathy motions to use Simpson Concrete and Stain, Pat seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Drainage on NW Corner of Garden Homes
- Runoff has eroded the area and exposed tree roots.
- Repair work will be easier if it is completed before construction begins along 19th Ave.
- Pat motions to repair erosion with large rock, Bryan seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Adjourn: Bryan motions to adjourn at 6:46pm, Kathy seconds. All in favor, none opposed.