2020 General Annual Meeting Minutes
Berry Creek HOA Annual Meeting
November 17, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Berry Creek Clubhouse and via Google Meet
Welcome and Introduce Board Members Present: Sara Arens, Kathy Anderson, Chris Norwood, David Conway, Nancy Cooper, Pat Kennedy
Current Improvements and Updates:
- Winter survey sent asking for residents to vote on new fitness equipment. A new treadmill and elliptical were purchased. All equipment is serviced twice a year.
- This summer we purchased 6 lounge chairs and 7 side tables for the pool.
- The clubhouse doors will be painted.
- The flower beds were updated and the metal edging was replaced around the beds.
- The pool coping is beginning to fail and several bricks broke this summer. They are expected to last 15 years. We have 3 estimates and will move forward with replacing the coping this winter/spring so that the pool will open in May.
- Due to the cost of repairing the pool coping, the remaining 2020 projects have been pushed to 2021.
- We secured a new contract with Bandit Mowing.
- The common area trees that were damaged by the ice storm are being cleaned up by Bandit Mowing. Any other trimming or cleaning will be done by Powell Trees this winter,
- An electrician is coming to repair the lights at the waterfall.
- Thank you to Pat Kennedy and David Conway who worked to create a procedure for covenant violations. These will posted in the website.
- Invoices for 2021 HOA dues will be mailed on November 25. They are due on January 1, 2021.
Finance Report
2020 Budget: The 2020 budget was shared.
2021 Proposed Budget: The 2021 proposed budget was shared.
Committee Reports:
- Social Committee: In the past, this committee has organized neighborhood events such as a summer BBQ, Easter Egg Hunt, Santa visits, etc. We currently do not have anyone on the Social Committee. If you are interested in being a part of the Social Committee, please contact the board.
- Welcome Committee: This committee visits new residents and shares information about the neighborhood. If you are interested in being a part of the Welcome Committee, please contact the board.
Election of the Board Members:
- The proposed 2021 Board includes: Kathy Anderson, Brandon Halcomb, Pat Kennedy, Jodi Deer, Nedra Segal, Nancy Cooper, Nancy Cooper, Chris Norwood, Bryan Brockbank, Trevor Davenport, David Carter, and Sara Arens
- The floor is opened to nominations. No new nominations.
- Pat Kennedy motions to accept the names for the 2021 Board. David Conway seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Thank you to the 2020 Board Members that are not returning: David Conway, Rob Billings, Ryan Miller, and Don Hansen.
Concerns/Questions from residents:
- Can we consider adding stop signs to the intersections at Berry Creek?
- Who maintains the Garden Home streets?
- Is it possible to add a dead end/no outlet sign to W Cypress Mill Ave?
- How can we keep the fitness room safe during Covid? Is it possible to add a schedule or sign up for residents who want to use the fitness room?
Adjourn: Trevor Davenport motions to adjourn the meeting at 6:30pm. Kathy Anderson seconds. All in favor, none opposed.